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Angry Why?

by Miki Saxon


So far, this week has focused on handling anger, but knowing where it come from is just as important.

The best approach to sorting it out is to think it through — either on your own or with a trusted friend who will be honest and can be objective.

Then address these questions.

Is the anger general or specific?

General anger, the kind that seems to always be simmering just beneath the surface, deserves professional evaluation, especially if you find it affecting your moods and relationships.

Specific anger needs to be analyzed.

At work or outside?

Give careful thought to what/where brings it on. Does it start at work, home or other places you go? With a specific a person or activity? Is it hot anger or cold? Is it really anger or is it anxiety?

What’s next?

The reason you want to identify the source as specifically as possible is that it opens up a wide range of possible ways to address it, from direct discussion (not confrontation) to avoidance strategies and dozens of other approaches in-between.

The process is easier if you talk it through with a trusted friend, someone who can be both objective and supportive.

And don’t be surprised if you discover that you are part of the problem, not just the solution.

Image credit: Damian Gadal

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