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If the Shoe Fits: Are You Clueless?

Friday, December 9th, 2011

A Friday series exploring Startups and the people who make them go. Read all If the Shoe Fits posts here

5726760809_bf0bf0f558_mThe dichotomy between what founders think/say and what they actually do never ceases to amaze me.

I’m not referring to the ‘malice aforethought’ type hypocrites who know damn well that their actions contradict their words, but

  • believe no one will notice, AKA, they won’t be caught;
  • provide abundant excuses when they are; or
  • offer rationalizations to prove why “this time it’s different.”

I’m referring to the inadvertent ones who are totally clueless.

I see this a lot in founders who are so totally focused on short term product development that they ignore or delegate the stuff that will make or break their company down the road.

Culture and business planning, especially staffing plans, are two items that founders often kick to the side or delegate; and while I’m all for delegation some stuff just shouldn’t be.

Culture is the values of the company made visible for all to see. Can you really delegate that with a few notes on a napkin and instructions to a harried colleague?

Founders know that strong financials are necessary if they want funding, but other planning functions, such as staffing plans, often don’t seem as critical, so they are delegated or, worse, procrastinated.

The toll these inadvertent actions take can be huge and often far enough in the future that their actual origins are lost.

This “stuff” can break your social contract.

Do you make time for this stuff?

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Flickr image credit: HikingArtist

Wordless Wednesday: Cultural Goal

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Check out this subtle target of greed

Image credit: psd on flickr

Implementing Recession-proofing Advice

Monday, April 7th, 2008

Image credit: laughlin

There’s a lot content out there right now on how to recession-proof your company. Most of the advice is good and much of it is similar, but…

Yeah, you knew there’d be a ‘but’.

It all revolves around stuff that should have been happening all along under the categories of good business practices, long-term strategy and positive corporate culture and driven in part by the historically taught lessons that business is cyclical and what goes up must come down.

Companies are being told to focus on innovation and superb customer service, among others, but neither is a turnkey system that can be ordered and installed.

When done suddenly, these actions may come over as panicky when you need them to reek of authenticity.

I’m not saying don’t do them, but be aware that if you just slap them on the surface with no preparation and expect them to work they’re unlikely to produce the results you want.

So this week I thought we’d talk about how to implement the ones most likely to move you forward—that way your company will do more than just survive, it’ll thrive.

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