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Golden Oldies: Management is Like Coffee

Monday, November 14th, 2016

It’s amazing to me, but looking back over more than a decade of writing I find posts that still impress, with information that is as useful now as when it was written.

Golden Oldies is a collection of what I consider some of the best posts during that time.

There’s not a lot to add to this post. The cited research is still accurate, as is the results comparison. That said, many managers are still providing too much, too little or, worse, none at all. But their complaints haven’t diminished, nor their solution to shift the responsibility to their people, instead of recognizing that they are the ones who need to change.

Read other Golden Oldies here.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/25187937@N05/5525163305How much management/coaching is too much?

I hear that question a lot.

Most managers want to do a good job and are looking for ways to improve.

But, as one commented recently, if you do everything recommended by the experts you would use so much of each person’s time that productivity would tumble and even the best coaching would have a negative impact.

Which is why I say that management and coffee are similar.

In the right amount coffee is good for your brain and may help you live longer.

The right amount of management/coaching is good for the brain in that it provides challenges that foster growth; it also lowers frustration and stress, which enhances mental and physical health.

According to the research, the “right” amount of coffee is around 20 ounces a day, i.e., one venti-size Starbucks.

That equates to the most effective management/coaching, which provides all the information needed to do the job at one time (not more nor less) and then gets out of the way while staying accessible if needed.

Many of the coffee-fueled are more likely to drink three to five ventis a day, which is detrimental to health and longevity.

A comparable amount of management/coaching is detrimental to health, productivity and retention.

Flickr image credit: Kurtis Garbutt

Golden Oldies: Management is Like Coffee

Monday, March 7th, 2016

It’s amazing to me, but looking back over a decade of writing I find posts that still impress, with information that is as useful now as when it was written. Golden Oldies is a collection of what I consider some of the best posts during that time.

The idea of managers as coaches responsible for encouraging and facilitating their people’s professional development has grown into a major movement. One question remains the same.  Read other Golden Oldies here

http://www.flickr.com/photos/25187937@N05/5525163305How much management/coaching is too much?

I hear that question a lot.

Most managers want to do a good job and are looking for ways to improve.

But, as one commented recently, if you do everything recommended by the experts you would use so much of each person’s time that productivity would tumble and even the best coaching would have a negative impact.

Which is why I say that management and coffee are similar.

In the right amount coffee is good for your brain and may help you live longer.

The right amount of management/coaching is good for the brain in that it provides challenges that foster growth; it also lowers frustration and stress, which enhances mental and physical health.

According to the research, the “right” amount of coffee is around 20 ounces a day, i.e., one venti-size Starbucks.

That equates to the most effective management/coaching, which provides all the information needed to do the job at one time (not more nor less) and then gets out of the way while staying accessible if needed.

Many of the coffee-fueled are more likely to drink three to five ventis a day, which is detrimental to health and longevity.

A comparable amount of management/coaching is detrimental to health, productivity and retention.

But if you’re still not sure how much coaching is best for of your people, you might resort to an old fashioned approach and discuss it with each one directly — face-to-face.

Flickr image credit: Kurtis Garbutt




Free Coaching

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016


Way back in 2008 I offered free coaching help to my  readers.

I did it because I like hearing about the challenges bosses and workers are facing and I can often help them craft solutions.

Hearing from the people actually fighting the battles allows me to keep on learning — even when the subject is painful.

I said then that it was a standing invitation, which it still is, but I doubt that anyone has seen that post in years.

That’s why I’m making the offer again.

I hope you take me up on it, because, as I said then, the worst thing that can happen is that I can’t help, but you can still vent.

You can reach me at miki@rampupsolutions or feel free to call 360.335.8054.

I answer all calls or return them within 24 hours if I’m unavailable. (FYI, I have rotten hearing, so please slow down and enunciate — diction is no longer in fashion — and keep in mind that a hearing impairment does not affect intelligence or creative thinking.)

One other thought. This is not a ploy or gimmick to get new clients — in case that crossed your mind.

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