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Ducks in a Row: Fun Perks aren’t Always Costly

by Miki Saxon

It’s funny how things work. I received this email the same day I read about a solution.

Hi Miki, I have a small company and would like to add some fun for my people. They tell me they love the culture and there is very little turnover, so I tend to believe that I’m accomplishing. I read about the extra perks companies offer like foosball, ping pong, massages and other stuff, but there are neither dollars nor space. Do you have a suggestion for something I can add that is affordable and fun? –Jim

Here is my reply.

Hi Jim, I do have a suggestion. I think they are fairly new, will cost you less than $100 and batteries are the only ongoing cost. They are called airswimmers and there are many ways to incorporate them in your workplace. For example, controlling the remote can be used as a reward for exceptional customer service or closing a difficult sale. I’m sure your people can think of some great uses once you have them. If you do get them please let me know what they think and how you use them. –Miki

There are actually many inexpensive items that can lower stress and lighten the workday; you just have to look for them.

Flickr image credit: ZedBee | Zoë Power

2 Responses to “Ducks in a Row: Fun Perks aren’t Always Costly”
  1. Julie E Says:

    I so want one of these! :) Unfortunately the web site was off line today due to excessive traffic but I am going to check again in a week or so!

  2. Miki Saxon Says:

    Hi Julie, Aren’t they cool! Which are you getting? Please come back and let us know what you think.

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