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Growth by Curiosity

by Miki Saxon

I used to have six aquariums, the smallest was a 25 gallon, six inch deep room divider and the largest was 100 galleons.

One day I moved a small, about four inches, black ghost knifefish from the 25 gallon tank to the 100 gallon aquarium. Over the next year it grew to about 11 inches.

This happened because fish grow based on the concentration of a chemical they secrete into the water. Nature stops growth when the concentration indicates that the environment won’t support them further.

Human beings grow similarly—they will grow as long as the environment they are in supports their growth.

Curiosity, investigation, discussion, dissent and debate are the chemicals humans secrete, but the most important is curiosity.

Limit curiosity and you limit growth; shut it down and growth stops cold.

This applies just as much to parenting as it does to managing or “leading.”

Just think what would happen if each of us worked to encourage unlimited curiosity, investigation, discussion, dissent and debate in our own little corner of the world.

Think of the growth that would be unleashed; the happiness that would be generated; and the difference between that world and our present one.

Image credit: Derek Ramsey on Wikipedia

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