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Barret’s Briefing: The Toughest Question

by Richard Barrett

Possibly the most difficult question for any is business:

“Is it time to pull the plug?”

Business Bankruptcies up over 100% since 2006

In this difficult economic environment, many businesses are answering that question simply, “yes.” As the chart below shows, business bankruptcy filings grew dramatically in 2008, up over 100% from 19,695 in 2006 to 43,546 in 2008.

This chart is deceptive, because the average annual number of business bankruptcy filings for the 28 years 1980-2008 is 52,667 and the number of filings in 2005 was 39,201. So the 43,000 filings in 2008 are 20% below the long-term average and just a little above the number in 2005. But, regardless of the long-term average, the short-term trend is up over 200%.

Time to Pull the Plug on My Business?

Setting aside statistics, the question at hand is real, personal, and immediate for many small business owners. As a professional business consultant, I work with several clients struggling with this question.

One of my clients generates approximately $3,000,000 in revenue and supports 25 employees. For the past two years, this company’s revenue has remained flat, with annual losses of $250,000 or so. This year revenues have declined and the owner has kept the monthly losses to $20,000 by reducing expenses. So far, so good, right?

Will the situation improve in the near future? Is a turn-around in sight with just a little more patience and persistence? When does persistence become stubbornness? When is it time to pull the plug? How do you know? Forgive this barrage of questions—this is an extremely difficult, emotional question for a business owner.

What Are Your Choices?

As a business unit manager, you have the opportunity and responsibility to make major changes in your business. 2% solutions don’t count.

What few significant changes can you make to improve the problems facing your business?

  • Eliminating People Means Eliminating Work. You simply cannot eliminate people and leave the workload unchanged. How can you reorganize your business to reduce the work? Can you automate or outsource back-office services or sales? Can you move more functions online? Can you move your customers to self-service online? Can you use online order / payment to simplify the sales and collection processes?
  • Don’t Eliminate Products. Eliminate Production Costs. Can you shift inventory and fulfillment services to suppliers or third parties?
  • Don’t Eliminate Value. Eliminate Overhead. Do you need all the office space, telephones, equipment, and software? Eliminate, reduce, or find it for free.
  • Grow Revenues. Be careful here, as increasing revenue is extremely difficult, especially in this recession economy. It’s easy to forecast big growth, only to be surprised three months later when the growth has not appeared on schedule. First, find a few customers for your services, and then forecast the growth based on their orders.

You Already Know the Answer

Three business aphorisms provide some insights into this question:

  • The universe rewards action.
  • Ready, fire, aim.
  • Follow the money.

Taken as a set, they offer a road map to making this difficult decision.

If your business is struggling, then do something! The business (universe) will respond to your actions.

If the business situation is getting worse, you have limited time and budget to make meaningful changes. This is not the time to be shy. Take some dramatic action. That’s the “ready, fire” advice.  Observe the result. Based on the result, quickly adjust your actions to improve the outcome (aim).

Finally, follow the money to your desired outcome. You know your budget for time and money. When either one runs out, you lose your freedom of action. Take action now, while you still have freedom to choose.

The biggest obstacles to meaningful business change are usually not intellectual understanding of the problem, or a lack of options, but emotion and fear.

For instance, most business owners truly care for their employees so layoffs are difficult. “What will my employees do without this job? How will they survive?” If you are considering major changes in business direction, fear raises similar questions about you; “How will my company survive if I make this change? What will I do with my life if my company fails, or if I have to shut it down?”

Together, emotional attachment and fear of the future create a paralysis, even in the face of clear impending disaster. When you wake up at 2 AM, what is on your mind? If you can get past the emotion and fear, I believe you already know the answer. “Don’t go wobbly,” as Margaret Thatcher famously advised George Bush senior when he was preparing for the first Iraq war. “I just don’t know,” is a cop-out.

What is Your Biggest Fear?

If your company is losing money each month, you must make changes. In this economy, your business will not get better by itself. What is the single change you fear the most?

Turn off the computer, put down the cell phone. Be still for a few moments, sitting with your fears and emotions. What is your biggest fear? Go there. Do it.

Wishing you the courage to make the difficult decisions,


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