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Saturday Odd Bits Roundup: Opportunity

by Miki Saxon

Yesterday Al Hulvey, my guest poster, talked about the VCs who saw the current economic situation as one of opportunity and I strongly agree with them.

Perhaps it’s because I can draw a clear parallel between their view and my 20+ years as a headhunter. Anyone can make deals when times are good, but it’s the cyclical downturns that separate the best from the rest and that applies not just to recruiters, but to companies—especially startups.

Today’s four Bits offer some useful lessons for gutsy entrepreneurs as well as those in established businesses.

  • First we start with basics. John Osher’s famous 17 Mistakes Start-ups Make. Osher identified them after selling his company, then did another startup making sure to avoid them and sold it for nearly four times as much.
  • Continuing right along, if you’re starting a company it worth real dollars to pay attention to the really important parts of your corporate culture right from the start—such as ethics. Sharon Allen, Deloitte & Touche USA chairman of the board, says, “…ethics are what guide our actions when no one else is watching.”
  • Finally, a short, but fascinating, look at Campbell’s that illustrates not just superb communications, but also a great branding story.


Image credit: flickr

2 Responses to “Saturday Odd Bits Roundup: Opportunity”
  1. Valeria Maltoni Says:

    Amazing how an old post could still be timeless. Thank you for linking, Miki. I used the domain-mapped URL to that post in my web site address here.

  2. Miki Saxon Says:

    Isn’t it though. Sometimes I read my own old posts and am amazed at how much sense they make:)

    Thanks for a useful example.

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