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Procrastination contest

by Miki Saxon

Background: Jim Gordon, who writes BossHatch, is a twenty-something who actually enjoys talking on the phone (I love talking on the phone:) and I really enjoy our conversations. I also love Jim since he recently took pity on me and kindly designed a new logo for Leadership Turn (launching soon—I hope).

ziggy_procrastination.jpgJim and I were having one of our ‘call me about X’ conversations that end up covering at least a dozen other topics. (Hey, we’re both interesting people.) In passing Jim said that he procrastinated and I said that in comparison to me he was a rank amateur.

We argued it a bit and I said I was going to write it about it, yet with no deadline I thought I’d do it next week. But Mr. Non-procrastinator did his today, so here I am doing mine for tomorrow, so we can link and do good things for our traffic.

First, I agree with Jim about the difference between procrastination and irresponsibility—my solution is to avoid as many commitments and deadlines as possible—a talent I’ve honed for years and at which I’m very good.

The most hilarious part of Jim’s post was when he said, “When talking to Miki, she mentioned her technique of writing everything a day (or even a week) in advance. As incredibly organized and efficient that method seems – writing articles at the last second just seems like the right thing to do – it feels natural.

It was so funny I sent it to my sister and got back a note that said, “Miki and organized is an oxymoron.” (My big sister is the organized one.)

It was a misunderstanding. It’s Kelly and Bob who’ve been talking about how doing extra posts ahead makes it easier to meet b5’s contractual requirements their when they get busy. I’ve never been organized enough to write that far ahead.

I only recently managed to start writing tomorrow’s post today—mainly because I found that having it go live at 6 AM EST instead of 3 PM (I’m on the west coast) increased my paycheck, which motivates me.

I lived for 23 years in San Francisco, then three in San Mateo and I’ve been here nearly four years and still have some stuff that that’s never been unpacked or used. I like it too much to get rid of it and one of these days…imperial_state_crown.jpg

So, who wins the procrastination crown, Jim or I?

Your comments—priceless

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15 Responses to “Procrastination contest”
  1. Jim Says:

    It’s 4:17AM, I have class tomorrow at 12:20 (I like later classes because “getting class over with early” doesn’t work for me), and I still haven’t written my article for the day. :D

  2. Bob Turek Says:

    Miki- related to writing ahead, I used to like the “deadline” pressure. Now, I love the freedom to insert posts in my 4-5 day line up that pop into my head.

  3. Miki Saxon Says:

    Jim, While I applaud your effort, when we write our posts doesn’t really support true procrastination, since both of us meet our deadlines.

  4. Miki Saxon Says:

    Bob, That’s cool, but I’m willing to bet that you’re not a procrastinator in the first place.

  5. Jim Says:

    But wouldn’t missing a deadline cross into the threshold of irresponsibility?

  6. Miki Saxon Says:

    Absolutely. What did I say that gave the INCORRECT impression that it didn’t?

  7. Luke says Moo! » Blog Archive » Security and the River Says:

    […] way as volunteering to help me as a leaderhip coach. (And it turns out that she has a post up about procrastination today…so I guess I fit right […]

  8. Jim Says:

    Is that the point? ;)

  9. Bob Turek Says:

    Miki- just thought I’d share an experience that caused a major change from procrastinator to preparer: it had to do with an MBA paper for a financial planning class; picture this: I’m in the car, my wife driving, marking up my final copy of my paper, knowing I would arrive a couple of minutes prior to the end of the class my paper was due. It was the classic procrastinator portrait- walking in to a class late with a messy looking paper, messing looking hair and clothes, submitting my paper to the professor. Totally embarassed, I decided never let it happen again. That’s when I started down the road of being a preparer, with a few slips into procrastination over the years.

  10. Miki Saxon Says:

    Jim, I think you lost me:(

  11. Miki Saxon Says:

    Bob, As I explain in Saturday’s post, I think there are two kinds of procrastination and I’ve never mixed them up. I’ve always hit my deadlines with spare time, probably because I’m ‘time-deaf’, which is similar to tone-deaf, since I’m incapable of figuring out how much time something will take I plan too much and end up early.

  12. Kelly Says:

    Okay, first of all. This is hysterical. Classic, hysterical.

    Second, I’m a huge procrastinator. Trust me. I am the kind of mom who chases her children out of the door on Halloween morning with a hot glue gun in hand.

    I cram a lot of stuff into a small amount of time. On the one hand, I’m a planner. On the other hand, I appear scattered to the outside world (organized chaos, I say!).

    I think some of my procrastination, in addition to sharing Miki’s “time-deaf” thing, is that I want everything to be perfect so I analyze it to death… Then I do it.

  13. Miki Saxon Says:

    Kelly, now that I finally stopped laughing I can tell you that you’re not even in the running. Looking scattered and procrastinating are poles apart.

    NOBODY who is a full-time, practicing tax attorney, wife, mom of two young kids, writes THREE blogs, makes Halloween costumes and who knows what else can claim to be a procrastinator. Time-deaf maybe, perfectionist probably, procrastinator hardly.

    As I’ve said in the past, you are [Wonder] Woman and we hear you roar!

  14. Jim Says:

    Yeah, you aren’t fooling anyone, Kelly :D

  15. Miki Saxon Says:

    No kidding, Jim. If Kelly’s a “huge procrastinator” then I have Warren Buffett’s bank balance and wear a size 0. hahahahahahahahha I wish!

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