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Miranda leads from behind

by Miki Saxon

I think that Kelly, our Business Channel editor, better known as TaxGirl, has too much time on her hands. I’m not sure how she has the time with a husband, two kids, law practice, two blogs and numerous other involvements (I get tired just thinking about it), but she must because she’s always coming up with stuff for us to do—fun stuff, but still additional stuff.The latest is an Apprentice-type weekly challenge, but rather than getting fired we’re kicked off our team Survivor-style.

Kelly created the two teams, Aces and Pros, using all the Business Channel bloggers and gave us our first challenge. Here it is,


Kay just started a new business marketing aprons and chef’s hats for children. After other expenses, she has $500 to spend on a marketing campaign – she doesn’t know if she should take out an ad, hire a PR person, start a website or what. What do you recommend as the best use of her dollars?

Miranda from Yielding Wealth is our team captain and a believer in Lao Tzu’s approach of leading from behind. She summarized our brainstorming and facilitated our conversations while contributing more ideas as an equal, not as our leader.

Kelly said that choosing the winner was difficult because “both entries were just stellar!” but that the Aces “took the challenge a step further and actually divvied up the money for the reader in real life dollars.”

Whoo-hoo, the Aces won (another great write up of our solution is here) while the poor Pros came in a distant second.

And all I have to say is nah, nah, nah, Pros. Aces on top!

6 Responses to “Miranda leads from behind”
  1. Miranda Says:

    We shall see if we can stay on “the way” of winning :0) And if my wu wei continues to work…

  2. Bob Turek Says:

    Interesting comment about leading from behind. I always thought leaders should have a good follower streak in them. It was remarkable how this all came together with Miranda’s guidance-obviously an experienced facilitator.

  3. Miki Saxon Says:

    We’re lucky to have Miranda, Bob, and you, too. http://www.projectmanagement411.com/ i salways a good read. I highly recommend it!

  4. Kelly Says:

    They were both great entries, really. I am looking forward to this week’s entries…

  5. Miki Saxon Says:

    True, Kelly, but Aces was greatest (and it even rhymes:)

  6. b5 Apprentice update Says:

    […] into a hard fought Apprentice-style contest here at the b5 Biz channel. My team (go Aces!) won the first week, blew the second and came roaring back for the third. You can read all about it here (heck, Kelly […]

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