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Personal Tuit Culture

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018



Yesterday we revisited why tuit culture is bad for companies and I commented that it even worse when it grabs you personally.

Round tuits are the visual symbol of procrastination, something I have intimate knowledge of and experience with — years ago I was even crowned Queen of procrastination by a delegation of friends and family.

While it is possible to tame the tuits in your life, it’s important to be aware when the ROI changes from positive to negative.

I posted this mantra around my home years ago that helped — Do it when you think about it; Don’t think about doing it.

I forgot to put it back up when I moved 15 years ago and I seem to have backslid badly.

Something else I learned long ago and previously wrote about. It applies to the tuits that sabotage your best efforts of prioritization and it goes like this, why do today what doesn’t need to be done at all?

Back then it referred to so-called busy work, but these days the worst offending tuits that don’t need to be done involve the constant alerts, social media, FOMO, and TMI.

In other words, all the stuff we convince ourselves must be done to keep the sky from falling.

Which it won’t.

Tuits are much like dragons, you can’t slay all of them at once and some don’t need slaying; they can just be ignored.

Some need only a little kick to disable them, as opposed to the concentrated effort required to slay them, and some can even be flipped, making social media stuff into round tuits.

Image credit: brett jordan

mY generation: Project Time Allocation

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

See all mY generation posts here.


Miki’s Rules to Live by 18

Friday, July 25th, 2008

Image credit: Zela CC license

Everyone I know is struggling with time management issues.

One of the biggest time management caveats is to prioritize.

I’m happy to say that I learned a lot about prioritization as a result of my procrastination.

And one of the things I learned is now a lynchpin of my time management and my 18th rule.

Prioritize: why do today what doesn’t need to be done at all?

A bit of explanation. This doesn’t refer to that trip to the gym that you’re trying to avoid, nor to the time you set aside to read, think or daydream.

It does refer to all the busy work that we add to our already overcrowded lives; all the stuff that we convince ourselves must be done to keep the sky from falling.

Think about it.

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