Seize Your Leadership Day: Education
by Miki SaxonThere’s a ton of stuff on the Net about leadership, not to mention miles of books, hours of podcasts and days of videos. And a lot of it is very good stuff, even when its focus is on the people out front—or those who want to be.
So how does that fit in with my constant harping that leadership isn’t positional and the skills are for everybody?
Simple; just sort through the skills and intelligence offered, tweak it as needed and apply it to all parts of your life.
With all that’s available, where do you start?
I thought today I’d offer up links to new, or slightly off the typical search path, material. These links take you to massive learning resources. I hope you’ll come back and let me know if you find them useful.
Have you ever wished that you could go back to school? Have the luxury to take course with professors at a top university?
Few working people can do that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from the best. Check out these links; find more at almost every university’s site.
- Harvard Business School Leadership Initiative offering various books and case studies (affordably priced), videos and links to faculty blogs and articles;
- Business Week’s Small Business Leadership with articles about and interviews with people in the trenches;
- MIT Leadership Center and the Sloan Management Review, with videos by both faculty and business leaders; and most amazing of al
- MIT Open Courseware that offers lecture notes, exams, and videos of all MIT courses totally free. It may not count for credit, but you certainly can improve your skills and knowledge in countless ways!
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