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Ducks In A Row: Managers

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

In a speech to company managers, reprinted in The HP Way, Dave Packard perfectly summed up what makes Jane or Johnny run.

“People work to make a contribution and they do this best when they have a real objective, when they know what they are trying to achieve and are able to use their own capabilities to the greatest extent.”

I would add that “their own capabilities” means

  • being given full information and authority to get the job done, as opposed to
  • being forced to return again and again for clarification or having to constantly run to the boss to get something authorized.

The first approach is the one chosen by managers so confident and powerful that they work to hire people smarter than themselves, empower them and spend their energy developing them—knowing that they will either be promoted or leave.

The second approach is the choice of mangers who are weak and insecure.

Which are you?

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zedbee/103147140/

Wordless Wednesday: Control Freak

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010


Image credit: Tony the Misfit (taking a break) on flickr

Ducks In A Row: The Unwitting Puppet master

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

ducks_in_a_rowA client called and during the conversation he complained about his receptionist. He said he was close to firing her, but would prefer a different outcome; he thought a third party could help resolve the problems.

When I asked “Jack” what the problem was he said that “Judy” was disrupting the culture and refused to do her work as expected. For example, she insisted on having two pencil cups on her desk; he preferred organizing his desk based on Feng Shui principles and that two cups were nothing but clutter. He had explained this to Judy to no avail.

This is an extreme example of the puppetmaster mentality, but not counting the micromanager who really believes her’s is the only way, I’m willing to bet you have been on the giving or receiving end of this attitude, if not both, at some point—most of us have.

Whether you consider yourself a leader, a manager or leadager, yours is not the only way—or even the best.

There are many ways to approach a task or goal. Some may seem more efficient, but, in fact, will lower productivity if they are counter-intuitive for a particular worker.

As long as the task is done or the goal achieved ethically, on time and in budget the route to accomplishment doesn’t matter.

Forcing your approach on your team forces them to become puppets.

That makes them dependent on you for all creativity, innovation and productivity—at least until they resign.

Flickr image credit: ZedBee | Zoë Power

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