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Entrepreneurs: Know and Control Your Burn Rate

Monday, November 18th, 2019


Poking through 13+ years of posts I find information that’s as useful now as when it was written.

Golden Oldies is a collection of the most relevant and timeless posts during that time.

Burn rate is why companies (and people) should budget. Unfortunately, budgeting is often driven by burn rate when it should be vice versa — as most learn the hard way. Hard, but not impossible, just ask the guy who went from a burn rate of over half a million a month to $15,000. Although this post is from 2016 when money was tight and focused on entrepreneurs, it applies to companies of any size, as well as people, no matter their income.

Read other Golden Oldies here.

Last summer David Bladow, co-founder and CEO of flower delivery startup BloomThat, had the worse kind of ah-ha moment after deciphering the company’s accounting — a self-described “convoluted mess.”

What he found was a monthly burn rate of $550K that meant the company would be out of cash in just 4 months.

That knowledge drove a laser focus to change.

Now instead of shutting its doors in November, its self-diagnosed death date, the startup launched nationally on February 3. The company that was burning through half a million a month is now down to $15,000 a month.

BloomThat did early what every founder should be doing now.

Yesterday Mark Suster wrote about how to figure the right burn rate for your company and last week we talked about doing more with less.

Actually, I think the tightening of funding is a very good thing, although it will create a certain amount of carnage, it will force founders and their teams to grow up.

If that sounds harsh, so be it.

Funding based on unproven future sales is driven by hopes that are heavily shaped by outside circumstances — circumstances beyond any founder’s control.

Sam Altman warns that funding is not a guarantee of success and in the next few years David Bladow, Andrew Wilkinson and dozens like them will prove that horses have the staying power that unicorns lack.

Flickr image credit: Tsutomu Takasu

Ducks in a Row: an Expensive Lesson from the Military

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016


Kg and I share numerous articles and factoids. We are both avid readers and, fortunately, we access different sources, so there is little repetition.

He sent me this one yesterday.

The total cost of the US military’s F-35 program, $1.45 trillion, could provide free college education to every student in the US for 20 years.

Oh, and by the way…the program has been a total disaster.

Nine years into development, the F-35 fighter jets (the most expensive American weapons ever built) are still not ready for combat, and their software is so flawed that they may never be ready. Great…

The question, of course, is how important is the software?

The answer seems to be subject to circumstances.

2014 “The enterprise now deals with ALIS as if it is a ‘weapons system’ and a critical part of the F-35 program.” — General Bogdan

2015 “The responsiveness, the timeliness of ALIS information for the maintainers and for the war fighter is at the top of our priority list.” –Assistant Secretary of the Navy Sean Stackley

2016 “It is a software-intensive system that connects to almost every piece of the F-35 program.” — General Bogdan

“ALIS has yet to meet its full promise and we’ll need to go the full distance in that regard if we’re going to succeed in meeting our goals for reducing the ownership cost and increasing the operational availability for this complex aircraft.” — Assistant Secretary of the Navy Sean Stackley

But after a negative report from GAO the tune suddenly changed.

And now, in a surprising twist, General Bogdan is saying ALIS is not really critical after all, insisting the F-35 can fly without it for 30 days.

Really? After claiming the ALIS was the heart and soul of the system?

It’s one thing to have buggy apps crash your computer or phone, but quite another to have buggy maintenance software crash your jet.

Obviously, free college would probably offer our country a higher ROI than flawed software in a weapon system going nowhere, although not the bragging rights so dear to the hearts of our military.

Of course, ROI has never carried much weight when it comes to funding pet projects — which holds true for industry, too.

Martin Cooper/Flickr

Entrepreneurs: Know and Control Your Burn Rate

Thursday, February 18th, 2016


Last summer David Bladow, co-founder and CEO of flower delivery startup BloomThat, had the worse kind of ah-ha moment after deciphering the company’s accounting — a self-described “convoluted mess.”

What he found was a monthly burn rate of $550K that meant the company would be out of cash in just 4 months.

That knowledge drove a laser focus to change.

Now instead of shutting its doors in November, its self-diagnosed death date, the startup launched nationally on February 3. The company that was burning through half a million a month is now down to $15,000 a month.

BloomThat did early what every founder should be doing now.

Yesterday Mark Suster wrote about how to figure the right burn rate for your company and last week we talked about doing more with less.

Actually, I think the tightening of funding is a very good thing, although it will create a certain amount of carnage, it will force founders and their teams to grow up.

If that sounds harsh, so be it.

Funding based on unproven future sales is driven by hopes that are heavily shaped by outside circumstances — circumstances beyond any founder’s control.

Sam Altman warns that funding is not a guarantee of success and in the next few years David Bladow, Andrew Wilkinson and dozens like them will prove that horses have the staying power that unicorns lack.

Flickr image credit: Tsutomu Takasu

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