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Leadership’s Future: Expectations

by Miki Saxon

Ask any employee at any level what motivates them the most

  • easy work
  • low performance standards
  • no consequences
  • or

  • challenging work
  • higher achievement
  • accountability
  • and 9 out of 10 will choose the second list.

    expectationsSo why do school boards do the opposite?

    Many school districts follow the lead of the Dallas Independent School District, which follows the first list with slavish devotion.

    What happens when the second list is followed instead?

    One program is called early-college high school and it mixes college level courses with the normal courses taught in junior and senior years and is offered to at-risk kids, not the over-achieving elite.

    North Carolina is the leader and the results are impressive.

    “Last year, half our early-college high schools had zero dropouts, and that’s just unprecedented for North Carolina, where only 62 percent of our high school students graduate after four years,” said Tony Habit, president of the North Carolina New Schools Project, the nonprofit group spearheading the state’s high school reform.

    In addition, North Carolina’s early-college high school students are getting slightly better grades in their college courses than their older classmates.

    Another proponent of the second list is KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program), which runs charter schools in several states.

    Started in 1994 as an experiment with 50 fifth graders in Houston’s inner city, KIPP has blossomed into the biggest U.S. charter school operator, with 82 schools for poor and minority children in 19 states.

    KIPP now has an 85% college matriculation rate, compared with 40% for low-income students nationwide, according to a 2008 report card KIPP prepared and posted on its Web site. About 90% of KIPP’s 20,000 students are black or Hispanic; 80% qualify for subsidized meals.

    The difference between the two lists can be summed up in one work—expectations.

    The foundation of expectations is a belief that whatever it is can be accomplished.

    We humans tend to strive to meet the expectations of those around us, be they bosses, friends, parents, teachers or school administrators.

    Actions more than words tell us what is expected.

    List 1 = low expectations and kids live up to them.

    List 2 = high expectations and the kids live up to them.

    Which list do you want at your work?

    Which list do you support for your kids?

    Image credit: bjornmeansbear on flickr

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