A 1950s Solution for the 21st Century
by Miki SaxonKG sent this to me.
What follows is our thread.
Me: Haha. This needs to go viral on social media! But did you notice the kids are all Caucasian?
KG: Yes — because is it the Caucasians that are causing the problems…
Me: Yeah, I realized that after I emailed you. But not all the problems. My sister dated a Black guy in college and his family threw fits. Taught me bigotry is universal, but white bigotry is more powerful/damaging.
KG: I understand. Humans are the problem, regardless of creed or color. However, white people expect that 400 years of slavery and oppression can just be wiped over and that suspicion of motives, etc. should just disappear. The reality is that we create problems for ourselves and for every other living thing on earth.
The consequences of slavery and oppression will be there for a long time.
Obviously. More than half a century and the things that have changed are the clothes, hairstyles and lack of phones.