If The Shoe Fits: Is This You?
by Miki SaxonA Friday series exploring Startups and the people who make them go. Read all If the Shoe Fits posts here.
My mother was born a century ago in San Francisco; growing up I spent at least part of every summer vacation there; as an adult I lived there for 25 years starting in 1977.
One constant in all that time was the truth of the saying, “San Francisco is 49 sq miles surrounded by reality” (not original to 60 Minutes).
That was true when my mother was growing up and probably before that.
It is still true, only now it applies to the South Bay, as well as parts of the East Bay.
The Bay Area has always marched to its own, different drummer, but that drummer has lost its mind.
Or maybe it’s not the different drummer, but that the inmates really are running the asylum (pardon the mixed metaphors).
These days, tech is the drummer and the inmates are the billionaires enamored with their own visions of a world created for the 1%.
Elon Musk is a prime example as is Peter Thiel.
Talk about guys with a god complex.
Perhaps we should revive an old roman custom — no, not feeding the 99% to the lions; that’s already happening.
Rather the one that reminded the 1% that they were not gods.
Image credit: HikingArtist