If the Shoe Fits: Why People Join Startups
by Miki SaxonA Friday series exploring Startups and the people who make them go. Read all If the Shoe Fits posts here
I only partly agree with Steve Wozniak’s recent comment.
“I think the money that’s been made has attracted a different kind of people looking at technology today and saying ‘Oh my gosh, I could maybe have a startup and make a bunch of money,'” Wozniak said. “And the ones that come out of business school, money’s the priority. For the ones that come out of engineering school, being able to accomplish and design things that didn’t exist before is their priority.”
Woz gives too much credit to the engineers.
It’s not just the biz school crowd that’s focused on the bucks.
The money bug has bit a good number of techies, too.
Years ago, no matter their role, people joined startups because they craved the bleeding edge, whether software, hardware or services.
This was true of both tech and non tech. In the words of Star Treck, they wanted “to go where no man has gone before” — or at the least go there differently.
Today the journey is more about getting rich and/or making connections for the future.
For decades I’ve told clients, “The person who joins your company for money/stock/perks will leave in a heartbeat for more money/stock/perks.”
That hasn’t changed, if anything it’s just gotten more so.
Image credit: HikingArtist
May 19th, 2016 at 2:52 am
[…] and what it can do, they now join for the perks, networking opportunities, and potential of getting rich, rather than making a […]