Management is Like Coffee
by Miki SaxonHow much management/coaching is too much?
I hear that question a lot.
Most managers want to do a good job and are looking for ways to improve.
But, as one commented recently, if you do everything recommended by the experts you would use so much of each person’s time that productivity would tumble and even the best coaching would have a negative impact.
Which is why I say that management and coffee are similar.
In the right amount coffee is good for your brain and may help you live longer.
The right amount of management/coaching is good for the brain in that it provides challenges that foster growth; it also lowers frustration and stress, which enhances mental and physical health.
According to the research, the “right” amount of coffee is around 20 ounces a day, i.e., one venti-size Starbucks.
That equates to the most effective management/coaching, which provides all the information needed to do the job at one time (not more nor less) and then gets out of the way while staying accessible if needed.
Many of the coffee-fueled are more likely to drink three to five ventis a day, which is detrimental to health and longevity.
A comparable amount of management/coaching is detrimental to health, productivity and retention.
Flickr image credit: Kurtis Garbutt