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Archive for November, 2012

Election Results Early

Monday, November 5th, 2012

http://www.flickr.com/photos/notionscapital/2312435878/In January, 2008, when I was writing Leadership Turn, I wrote that politicians aren’t leaders.

We have no leaders, let alone statesmen, just ideologues, elected by like-minded ideologues, who care only about getting reelected, bringing government money back to their constituency and making lucrative connections in the event they aren’t reelected or are caught by term limits.

The following month I considered the difference between politicians and statesmen.

Politicians talk it — Statesmen walk it
Politicians run to win — Statesmen run to serve
Politicians are ideologues — Statesmen are open-minded
Politicians, “it’s all about me” — Statesmen, “it’s all about them”
Politicians focus on the next election — Statesmen focus on the future

In 2010 I reprised parts from them in another post about the idiocy of ideology.

Einstein also said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Americans must be insane; we will go to the polls flip the party in charge and expect different results.
Based on the past, what we will get is a different ideology that screws up differently, not better results.

Sadly, nothing much has changed in the intervening years; a notion that will be proved tomorrow.

Please note that much of the interest and value in these posts is found in the comments and discussion they generated.

Flickr image credit: Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com

Quotable Quotes: Campaigns of the Founding Fathers

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

http://www.flickr.com/photos/notionscapital/2866174300/Are you as disgusted with political campaigning as I am?

The lies and slurs are tiresome no matter who you like, because, as we all know, the other side always lies.

Some feel the lies and attacks are far worse than ever before and long to return to a more civilized political era, such as that of our founding fathers.

The good news is that the lies and attacks aren’t worse, just more frequent.

The bad news is that our founding fathers were as bad if not worse.

And the prime mud, then as now, involved race and religion.

In 1796 and 1800 John Adams supporters accused Thomas Jefferson of being “godless” as well as sleeping with a slave.

“God and a religious president, or Jefferson and no God!” (…) Jefferson versus Adams may also have the dubious distinction of being the first time the so-called race card was played.

The information comes from a fascinating article that provides the rest of today’s quotes, along with excellent commentary and a sample of political cartoons that are markedly harsher than today’s.

As is frequently the case when it comes to politics, our perceptions about political election history are more a function of misconceptions colored by wishful thinking.

Flickr image credit: By Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com

If the Shoe Fits: Yes Isn’t the Best Response

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

A Friday series exploring Startups and the people who make them go. Read all If the Shoe Fits posts here

5726760809_bf0bf0f558_mFlattery and agreement can be a lethal combination for a CEO, according to research by Sun Hyun Park, James D. Westphal and Ithai Stern.

“Our theory suggests how high levels of flattery and opinion conformity can increase CEOs’ overconfidence in their strategic judgment and leadership capability, which results in biased strategic decision making,”

In the same vein, John O’Farrell, Andreessen Horowitz, says that founder-CEOs need to be especially careful.

“Hire people who are different from you, and who will have the courage to challenge you when it matters.”

The road to failure hell is paved as much with yes-people, which leads to homophily, as with good intentions.

What you want are those who think differently, but have similar values.

Values are the foundation of your culture, not race, creed, gender, university, sorority/fraternity, fashion brand, etc.

Whatever your culture, by using it as a hiring filter you can get out of your comfort zone and stop hiring people like yourself—who are most likely to become yes-people.

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Flickr image credit: HikingArtist

Entrepreneurs: VC Taskforce Salutes the Draper Family

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Among the things I do is manage content for VC Taskforce, which created the Innovation Catalyst Award a few years ago; it honors a leader in the venture community annually.

This year the award went to the three-generation strong Draper family, who, over the decades, backed companies that changed the way we all live and continue to do so.

The eldest Draper, known as “General” because that was his rank in the Army, where he served in two world wars and helped craft both the restoration of Germany and the Berlin Airlift, founded the very first venture firm on the West Coast in 1959, Draper, Gaither & Anderson.

His son, Bill Draper, started with that firm but then started his own, Sutter Ventures, in 1962 with Franklin “Pitch” Johnson and Paul Wythes, who sadly died on Tuesday, the day of the Draper family tribute. Bill Draper then founded a series of other firms, as well: Draper International that focused on India, Draper Richards that focused on early stage tech and Draper Investment whose focus was Europe and Asia.

Tim Draper worked for his dad for a time before starting up his own firm, Draper Associates, in 1985. That grew to become what today is Draper Fisher Jurvetson. He also founded the DFJ Global Network, which has an international focus; the Bizworld Foundation, aimed at inspiring entrepreneurship among children; and the new entrepreneurial program he has launched in San Mateo, Draper University.

And true to their beliefs they have innovated within the venture community as well.

Watch more interviews with the Drapers.

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YouTube credit: VC Taskforce

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