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Entrepreneur: Sex Sells

by Miki Saxon

Sex sells, always has, always will. Marketers and advertising folks use sex in a variety of ways, mostly indirect (sorry, you won’t look like the model because you use the product).

Entrepreneurs quickly saw the opportunities in combining sex and the internet and I’m not referring to the porn industry.

Instead think match.com and eHarmony where sex is mostly an unspoken part of their business.

But the market is a long way from being tapped out; today’s entrepreneurs are going after their brass ring via micro-niche dating sites.

Do you love all things Apple? If so it stands to reason, or so these entrepreneurs believe, that you will find your love match faster among those who feel the same way.

Four other entrepreneurs are focused on, what else, entrepreneurs. This is a good idea, since anyone who has been around an entrepreneur for any length of time knows that the process of creating a company is similar to giving birth only with months of labor rather than hours. That makes building a relationship difficult at best. They have little time to court, let alone gout socially, and are often too exhausted to talk, let alone do anything else.

Then there is the big daddy of nitch sites, only this entrepreneur’s efforts address four nitches and isn’t driven by his personal passion or beliefs—but strictly by the premise, “find a need and fill it.” The needs include the super hot, sugar daddies, cougars and infidelity. Not exactly a business you share at your kids’ soccer games, but one with $60 million in revenue ($20 million in profit) and counting.

What other nitches do you think would fly?

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kyz/2893897527/

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