Quotable Quotes: Maya Angelou
by Miki SaxonI had lunch with a guy friend this week and I almost threw my margarita at him, except that would be a waste of a good drink. Here’s what happened.
March is Women’s History Month and we had been talking about various women who had been written up in one place or another. “Rich” mentioned several he found very impressive; I asked if he ad ever read anything about Maya Angelou, because I like the way her mind works and she is wise.
Rich said he didn’t read poetry; he also reminded me that he wasn’t into sentimental stuff.
And that’s when I thought about throwing my drink, but my self-control held and instead I told him he was an idiot and to read today’s post.
Maya Angelou has a tough, practical side and I freely admit I connect with it more easily than what Rich calls the ‘sentimental stuff’—but above all, the woman is wise and it is that wisdom which draws people in and teaches almost anything you want to learn.
So, Rich, in honor of you and Women’s History Month read these and recognize real wisdom from a woman who can make words sing.
In these days of 24/7, totally wired living it’s important to take these words to heart, Making a living is not the same thing as making a life.
Someplace back in the Seventies the idea that life was a series of challenges that needed to be overcome took hold. I never could stand that attitude; my own approach is better summed up in Angelou’s words, You shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back…
Maya Angelou is a firm believer in the power of MAP, although she’s probably never heard of it; but I know it’s true because she said, If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
That’s right, most of the time we try to change what’s outside and forget to change what’s inside, but, as this wise lady tells us, Nothing will work unless you do.
Even for Rich I can’t leave out two of Angelou’s statements that are deep life lessons; absorb them into your MAP and I can guarantee you will reap the rewards long after you’ve forgotten the source.
The first to remember is this, People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
And finally, real wisdom, the kind you don’t hear very often, Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I wish you many breathless moments in your life.
Image credit: adria.richards on flickr