Quotable Quotes: Who Is Frank Dane?
by Miki SaxonLast week when I was looking for Ted Kennedy quotes I ran across this one from Frank Dane, “Life is strange. Every so often a good man wins.”
I liked it so much that this week I went looking to see what else Dane said; I found other insightful comments, so tried to track down a bio on Dane—no luck.
More quotes, but nowhere could I find information on who he is or what he does.
I’m sharing the quotes anyway and if any of you know more about him please share your knowledge in the comments.
Obviously, Dane did not have a great respect for those in politics…
“Never vote for the best candidate, vote for the one who will do the least harm”
“The news of any politician’s death should be listed under ”Public Improvements.””
“Where the criminals cover their crimes by making them legal.” [On Washington D. C.]
However, he did have a wonder grasp on finances and success…
“Remember when $25, 000 was a success? Now it is a garbage collector.”
“A set of rules laid out by professionals to show the way they would like to act if it was profitable.”
“Blessed is he who talks in circles, for he shall become a big wheel.”
My favorite is his comment on us, us in any country, city or any conceivable grouping…
“Ignorance is never out of style. It was in fashion yesterday, it is the rage today and it will set the pace tomorrow.”
Who IS Frank Dane?
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