Challenge, Risk, Success
by Miki SaxonI was looking at some old notes and found something I’d saved from the comments area of a post on changing corporate culture at Dell’s IdeaStorm, “After all, if you don’t challenge yourselves, do you expect to grow? You certainly won’t LEAD.”
I don’t know if it’s original, but it is short, sweet and very true.
If there’s one thing that challenging yourself does it’s to upset the status quo—that’s what forces growth.
That’s true for your company, department, team—and yourself.
Challenges usually involve risk, but risk is healthy.
Risk can be safe if you
- evaluate it;
- perform worst case analysis; and
- go for it.
Risk often, fail fast, learn and move on.
You’ll blow away the competition.
Image credit: flattop341 on flickr