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Saturday Odd Bits Roundup: Silly Bits

by Miki Saxon

Year’s end is drawing closer, southeast Washington State is facing its first Artic storm in several years, it’s late and I’m feeling silly.

So I dug into my digital clippings and found some fun stuff that made me smile and thought it would be good to share it with you.

  • OK, OK, I’ll include one that has corporate culture relevance—at least to those bosses who can see past their short-term nose and embrace productivity-raisers that aren’t mainstream—such as napping.
  • Hmm, I suppose I can actually justify including this one in the name of innovation. Anyone who has watched Unwrapped on the Food Channel knows how fascinating it is to see how different foods are made. But did you ever stop to wonder how many of the foods you love were invented accidentally as opposed to on purpose?

But the next two are strictly in the name of whimsy, silliness, and off the wall weirdness.

  • From my old stamping grounds comes weird news at SFGate.com, the website of the San Francisco Chronicle. It offers up links to all kinds of strange, often funny, news items. The original post I read was dated February 16, 2007, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to access, so enjoy the current ones.
  • Finally, a link to The Darwin Awards, one of my all time favorite sites, along with information on it from About.com. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the awards, here’s a brief overview (paraphrased).

“A chronicle dedicated to individuals who have given their all in an effort to improve our gene pool by making the ultimate sacrifice of killing themselves by the most extraordinarily stupid means.”

Great for a laugh and especially great for the ego when you think that you’ve done something stupid; read a few of the posted winners and no matter what you’ve done it will shrink to manageable levels.

That’s it for another Saturday. There’s enough here to keep you warm with laughter no matter what your weather is today.

Image credit: flickr

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