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Ducks In A Row: Leadership And Assumptions

by Miki Saxon

ducks_in_a_row.jpgAccording to Warren Bennis there are 13 differences between leaders and managers. We previously discussed whether the modern workforce can actually be managed without doing both.

Last week we talked about being an original; now let’s look at something that underlies several of the items on Bennis’ list.

Among the 13 things that leaders do are investigate reality, ask what and why, and challenge the status quo. They may sound different, but the same action underlies each one.

The ability to do all three of these means that you do not make assumptions (the ‘A’ in AMS).

What will you find if you start your investigation from the viewpoint that certain parts have more validity than others?

How can you hear all the input when questioning the premise of an action if you are predisposed to hear one thing (or person) above another?

How can you challenge, let alone upset, what currently is if you blindly accept any of its underlying premises?

Typically, assumptions are buried in your MAP (mindset, attitude, philosophy™) and require a heightened level of self-awareness to recognize them. With effort, it’s possible to build an automatic MAP monitoring system that sends a warning when assumptions start creeping into your actions. Remember, assumptions are insidious, sneaky and often masquerade as common sense/logical thinking.

For instance, you are assuming if you

  • evaluate/judge a speaker based on looks, clothes, position, cohorts, even reputation;
  • request information, but already have your position roughed out; or
  • consider your ideology inviolate and not open to question.

Ridding yourself of assumptions is difficult; in fact, it’s one of the most difficult skills you’ll ever develop, but you can develop it by staying aware of your own thoughts and being brutally honest with yourself.

Assumptions blind you so you cannot see and deafen you so you cannot hear.

Now, repeat after me: “Assumptions are bad!”

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