Leadership and delegation through time
by Miki SaxonI came across some basic leadership advice (usually the best kind) in an Economic Times article called Leadership through delegation.
What I found interesting is that the Economic Times is a sub group of India Times and the information was adapted from a 2004 article in Entrepreneur magazine.
I found it interesting because as business takes off, India is facing the same challenges as every other population.
But I also found it amusing because delegation has been a problem for centuries—literally.
Giving up control and trusting others to get stuff done doesn’t come easily—especially to leaders and entrepreneurs.
How well do you delegate?
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March 13th, 2008 at 5:56 am
Our staff was talking about this at lunch yesterday. It is hard for us to give up some of our responsibility and authority to others. At the end of the day, though, we usually are not good at delegating because of pride or ego or even insecurity. We’re working to delegate more, and it starts with us looking at ourselves.
Want to know how far back this problem goes? Check out Exodus 18 in the Bible. Moses had the same problem many of us do today.
March 14th, 2008 at 9:12 am
Hi Casey, Add fear to that list. And I’ll bet that Ug, the caveman, wasn’t all that willing to delegate finding dinner to someone else, either.