You’re the one
by Miki SaxonIt’s funny where you can find messages that inspire, motivate and give you a lift.
I opened a new roll of really cheap paper towel and found this phrase:
I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination.
Pretty good, I’ve seen entire books around this subject that didn’t put it nearly as well.
Put in still simpler terms, the only thing you can actually control in this life is you—and your MAP.
We all have a tendency to forget this.
Good stuff comes and bad stuff happens; people come and go—and die; great bosses join—and leave; companies start, grow, get acquired and, sometimes, file bankruptcy.
For better or for worse, you will always have you, so why not appreciate yourself? Value the best and improve the rest.
There is only one you and you get to live only one life, so focus your time and energy on changing/adjusting/enhancing what you control and let the rest go.