Question love
by Miki SaxonWant to show your love and appreciation for your people, but not sure of the best way?
Study after study confirms that ‘feeling valued’ is a major factor in successful retention. During my headhunter years, I knew a recruiting call was successful the minute I heard, ‘…my boss doesn’t really appreciate…’ Sweet words, indeed—to a recruiter.
Those of you who read me regularly know that I believe your MAP is the only silver bullet you’ll ever have, but even MAP needs tools, so, here, in honor of Valentine’s Day, is a sterling silver tool—my present to your MAP.
It’s that simple.
Show your interest by asking everyone, not just your so-called stars, questions, requesting opinions, saying, ‘What do you think?’
Listen and really hear the response, discuss it, think about it.
Use what you get as often as possible, whether in whole or in part, or as the springboard that leads to something totally different.
Credit the source(s), both up and down, publicly and privately, thank them, compliment them, congratulate them.
If it’s sincere, you can’t lay it on too thick; if you’re faking it, they will know; and if you don’t do it, preferring to steal the credit for yourself, you’ll have the fun of explaining to your boss the increased turnover in your organization, along with all its associated costs.