Saturday Odd Bits Roundup: Apple, Culture And Innovation
by Miki SaxonHere it is, Saturday again, and two very different views of culture are on the menu.
Let’s look first at a topic that’s the subject of a media frenzy: Steve Jobs and Apple.
Looking at the media, old and new, a large number seem to be leaning towards some level of mass hysteria along the lines of there is no Apple without Steve Jobs.
Now, I grant that Jobs is unique, especially his gift of seeing of seeing around corners and over the horizon, but at the same time his people have been steeped deep in a culture that believes doing that is possible and that belief is at least half the battle.
For a thoughtful analysis take a look at this Knowledge @ Wharton analysis with some fascinating insights from Wharton management professor Michael Useem, among others, on the part that culture does/will play at Apple.
And speaking of radical innovation, the kind in which Apple specializes, I again refer you to Radical Innovation Across Nations: The Pre-eminence of Corporate Culture by Gerard J. Tellis, Jaideep C. Prabhu, and Rajesh K. Chandy. Here’s a good review from Sloan MIT and, as is often the case, the most interesting part are the comments.
I hope you’ll take time to think about your own company’s culture after reading these.
Innovation, not cost cutting and layoffs, is your true lifeblood.
For a little extra on culture and innovation, check out the video interview with Judy Estrin at Leadership Turn.
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