New Award for the Socially Stupid
by Miki SaxonAre you familiar with the Darwin Awards?
They are given posthumously to people who die as a result of their own overwhelming stupidity for removing themselves from the gene pool. (They are well deserved; if you don’t believe me then read through a few of them.)
However, in these brave new days of social media we need a new award; one that honors stupidity, sans death.
We need an award for all those who through their bragging on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube draw the attention of law enforcement before they can do yet more damage.
The postings document illegal acts that go from mundane to murder.
Social media paved the way for one undercover cop to buy 250 weapons, including guns that could pierce body armor and multiple walls.
The actions are prevalent enough that they warrant a new award.
Call it the IYPITWC (If You Post It They Will Come).
Or maybe DITRA (DIY Rat Out).
Perhaps it could be a Get Into Jail Free Pass.
Wait! I have the perfect name.
The SMIA (Social Media Idiot Award).
Flickr image credit: Global X
August 19th, 2014 at 1:15 am
[…] year I suggested creating the SMIA (Social Media Idiot Award) as a way to honor all those who assist in their own arrests via social […]