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Levity And Your MAP

by Miki Saxon

Before you can implement any of the ideas in The Levity Effect you need to take inventory and be sure that your MAP (mindset, attitude, philosophy™) is in tune with the idea. Being in tune with levity is much more a matter of how you think than how well your sense of humor works.

  1. Do you smile more often than you frown?
  2. Do you think about work in terms of enjoyment and fun?
  3. Are you glad when a colleague succeeds?
  4. Are you happy most of the time?
  5. How easily you laugh at yourself?

I know you are smart enough to figure out what the answers should be, but to have any benefit you need to answer honestly’ after all, no one else will see them.

The correct pro-levity responses are ‘yes’ to the first four and ‘easily’ to number five. If your responses are different you need to sit down and have a long talk with yourself.

How do you adjust your MAP? Part of it is awareness, but there is things you can do while working on the deeper changes.

  1. Make it a point to smile, or at least not frown.
  2. Look for what is good at work, what you enjoy, and the specific things that do make you smile.
  3. Whether you’re jealous or just don’t care be positive and congratulate your colleagues when they do well; not just the big things, but all the little stuff that goes on every day. Be sure that the congratulations/recognition/appreciation fit the event. If you have a problem being sincere think about how you feel if a colleague snubbed your accomplishments.
  4. Follow Napoleon Hill’s advice and “think, act, walk and talk like the person you want to become and you will become that person.”
  5. This one is more involved, so we’ll examine it in depth on Thursday.

See you then!

Image credit: dmealiffe on flickr

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