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Amazon’s Consumer Kool-Aid

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019


Amazon is right up there when considering big tech Kool-Aid.

All by itself it has done more to addict consumers to near instant gratification, with no vision past themselves, than any other company.

In doing so it has actually killed people and ruined lives.

And it has done it in a way that shielded it from both notoriety and financial responsibility.

Rather than a synopsis and comments from me, take a few minutes to read the original ProPublica’s, in conjunction with The New York Times, investigative article.

This isn’t the first article detailing deplorable working conditions that have resulted in numerous walkouts by Amazon and contracted workers,

But the only walkout that would actually have an impact is a customer walkout.

Obviously, it’s unlikely that anyone will actually quit using Amazon.

But if just 1% of users stopped for just one week, Amazon would definitely sit up and take notice.

And if a higher percentage stopped even better.

Whether it’s Amazon, Uber or any of dozens of other companies whose business model is built on unfair/dangerous worker practices they need to step up and start taking responsibility for the actions of people who deliver their “experiences,” instead of claiming they are “independent contractors” while still controlling their daily actions at work.

Image credit: Mike Mozart

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