Three networking basics that are pure gold.
Monday, August 4th, 2008Today’s Business Channel buzz is about the power of networking. Networking isn’t new, although the term is recent. It’s something I’m good at doing—I harbor unbridled people curiosity—but usually hate having it done to me. Why?
Well, it’s not a lot of fun to have dozens of people at an event come up and essentially ask, “What can you do for me,” while their eyes are scanning the room looking for more likely prey and they seem to have little real interest in those who talk to them, unless they perceive value to themselves.
Obviously, not everyone is like this, but too many are!
Rather than write up yet another list of ‘how to network’ or waxing on about how valuable it is, I thought I’d mention three salient points and then offer up a link to what I consider one of the best networking resources sources available.
First, salient = basic. That’s right, and once you grasp the basics the rest are luxuries—nice to know, but not really necessary.
Second, these apply as much to on-line networking as to that done in the real world.
- Go networking with an eye to listening, learning and helping, not talking, selling and using.
- Pay attention to the person talking, instead of mentally cruising the room.
- Be open to input other than what you expected or wanted.
That’s it. Practice them until they are deeply embedded in your MAP and you do them without thinking. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your results.
Finally, download or buy the best book around for doing business in a networked world—The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online! by Scott Allen and David Teten.
What are your pros and cons regarding networking?
Your comments—priceless
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