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Innovating alone

by Miki Saxon

There are many times that we need to be creative and innovate, but, for one reason or another, there’s no one to brainstorm with and creating in a vacuum is really difficult! Obviously, it’s a problem for those people running independent businesses, but the same problem can arise even when surrounded by people.

Brainstorming is a way to get out of a rut; break free of conventional thinking; or find a solution that is truly unique. Sometimes we need to brainstorm just to have enough to bring to a discussion.

We’ve all been faced with this in one form or another, and I, for one, hadn’t found a good solution until I read the September issue of In, the internal (not a stand alone publication) innovation magazine from Business Week.

In it David Kelley, founder of IDEO, explains exactly how he brainstorms on his own. His explanation is short, easy to understand, and he illustrates it with great graphic (click David Kelley’s Mind Map to the right of the article) so you can see exactly how it works.

Try it , it really works! Then, once you get the hang of it, share it with your colleagues, friends, and teach your kids. Being able to brainstorm anywhere, under any circumstances, is a skill that will make everything that Life throws at them easier.

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