Ryan’s Journal: Mentoring Is Where It’s At
by Ryan PewHave you ever mentored someone in life? How about the reverse where you sought out a mentor? Chances are you have.
Most of us are greater than the sum of our parts and it’s because we have had people in our lives invest in us in one way or another.
We got the chance we didn’t deserve, the role we didn’t qualify for or the lucky break. How did we get to where we are?
Hard work of course, but also a network.
I read an article yesterday that spoke about how college GPA was not as important as the network you build while in school. That network has a greater influence than the A you could make in math class.
I guess I should count myself lucky as I was never going to be a Rhodes Scholar, but I did know how to build a network of folks from different walks of life that I still reach out to years later.
What does this have to do with mentoring? For one thing mentoring is about understanding where someone is and where they want to go.
From there you can offer input on how to achieve that end state. A lot of times in life we have an impact on our network in big and small ways and it’s important to keep that in mind.
Since graduating college 5 years ago I have participated in a mentoring program where I, as an alumni, mentor current business students.
It has been great. I learn what drives an individual and I have a chance to make an impact.
However, I have found that I am the one to benefit from the relationship.
It keeps me grounded, reminds me of where I came from and focuses my gaze on my future.
Mentoring is key to moving forward in life, while also taking someone with you.
Next time you’re in a position to give someone a shot why not say yes?
You might be surprised.
Image credit: Ron Mader