Saturday Odd Bits Roundup: 3 Review Don’ts
by Miki SaxonThe dreaded annual review is on us once again, so I rounded up some great information to help you deal with them.
The second most important thing to know about performance reviews is that using software to write them creates a totally inauthentic experience for your people.
Number one-and-a-half is a great commentary on the stupidity of waiting to apply a retention tourniquet until an employee is frustrated, disgusted and ready to leave.
The most important thing to know about performance reviews is that they should be ongoing conversations throughout the year.
Most managers understand the need to help their people grow and do their best to give them timely feedback—although some do a better job than others. But even the managers who are good at it have trouble when it comes to providing feedback to their top performers, even though they are often the most eager for challenges and growth—neither of which can happen without candid feedback.
Image credit: MykReeve on flickr