Hearing Past 4 Barriers To Success
by Miki SaxonToday’s post is what is called “short and sweet.” I could have written far more, but I felt that the real message would be lost in the excess verbiage.
“I didn’t know…” is America’s favorite excuse, although it won’t hold up in a court of law; ignorantia legis neminem excusat (ignorance of the law excuses no one) dates back to Roman times.
The operative word is ‘know’, because, unfortunately, there’s a lot of latitude in what one chooses to know.
People don’t know anything that
- disagrees with their ideology or world-view;
- is presented by the opposition or those with whom they disagree;
- conflicts with their personal goals/agenda; or is
- inconvenient or annoying.
If you want to live or love successfully then you need to choose to know; it’s your responsibility to not just listen, but also to hear past all four barriers.
Image credit: Andrew Bossi on Wikipedia Commons