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5 Golden Rules For Managers

by Miki Saxon

Dan McCarthy posted a the 7 Myths about Management—read them and think. As Dan points out you need to know yourself and I’ll add that you also need to know your MAP—not always the same thing. (We’ll talk more about the differences Thursday.)

Good stuff.

Now, in the spirit of solutions, I thought I’d give you something to print out and stick up on your wall. Do it, it will help you keep your eye on the correct ball.

Leadership: outside the box/inside your head™
Five Golden Rules
For Managers
  1. The day you decided to be a manager you chose to be judged by the accomplishments of your group instead of your own. Even if you work hands-on or 24-hours a day, your own work can’t offset a poorly performing group. You will excel further and faster if you improve communications, enhance motivation, strengthen staffing, and encourage training.
  2. Be the manager you always wanted! Assign valid tasks — be sure of the need, think it through, and supply all the necessary information. Admit your mistakes. Praise in public — criticize in private. Encourage and take pride in your people’s growth. Don’t block promotions. Hire the best. Be approachable.
  3. You’re the boss, the one in charge. Keep your cool. Shut your mouth when you lose your temper. Assess the situation — then be angry, reserved, or whatever you think is needed.
  4. People produce best if they know, and help determine, the range of their control — this is the RampUp Management Box. Their decisions inside the box are final, decisions outside it require approval. Through discussion of their performance, the box will grow or shrink. To encourage growth, always make their box as big as possible.
  5. Want to get promoted? Then understand your boss’ job. Ask yourself: “Why did she do that?” “What can I learn from his decision?” “What would I have done differently?” Later ask, “Would it have worked?”
RampUp Solutions, Inc.
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