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Is lesbian where you’re from or what you are?

by Miki Saxon

Image credit: jturn CC license

If you’re the worrying kind, there’s a lot of serious stuff going on in the world to worry you and much of it involves people dying. But in spite of all that, people still find time to fret over the idiotic.

And there’s plenty of idiocy around for the fretting.

Who has the legal right to call themselves Lesbians?

Yes, legal.

According to Dimitris Lambrou, “…international dominance of the word in its sexual context violates the human rights of the islanders, and disgraces them around the world.”

Seems that there’s a small Greek Island named Lesbos and the inhabitants are called Lesbians.

“The term lesbian originated from the poet Sappho, who was a native of Lesbos.

Sappho expressed her love of other women in poetry written during the 7th Century BC.

But according to Mr Lambrou, new historical research has discovered that Sappho had a family, and committed suicide for the love of a man.”

Now, over the years I’ve had friends of every possible gender proclivity and I’m here to tell you that the suicide proves nothing.

Obviously, the only course open to Lambrou and his followers was to sue for an “…injunction against the Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece and to order it to change its name,” which they did this spring.

The result a few weeks ago was not in their favor and proves that on occasion courts do offer up reasonable findings.

“The court ruled that the word lesbian in its adopted Greek and international sexual context does not offend or threaten the individual, collective or human rights of the island’s residents.”

That didn’t please Lambrou, who has promised to keep fighting.

“It is a misguided ruling, so we have decided to take the matter to the highest courts both in Greece and Europe.”

Amazing, isn’t it? In a world facing wars, famine, global climate change, and all kinds of human-induced nastiness, people still have the time, interest and energy to pursue the ridiculous.

What’s your favorite idiocy?

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