Corporate culture tops workforce wants
by Miki SaxonImage credit: playboy CC license
Oh goody. More support for my decades of harping on the importance of corporate culture. I’ve been preaching that corporate culture was number one on candidates’ list of “wants” since the late Seventies (Good grief, where did the time go?)—long before most companies would listen.
Hollister, a Massachusetts staffing firm, just published a survey confirming this. And although it was done strictly in Massachusetts, it’s representative—more so because these are hardheaded Yankees, not touchy-feely Californians. Nor was it a survey of Millennials or moms, just a cross section of people.
“The Workforce Survey polled over 1,000 people throughout the Commonwealth, both employed and unemployed. When asked to rank which factors contribute most to their job satisfaction, the majority of people polled ranked Company Culture first followed by Opportunities for Growth, Employee Appreciation, Work/Life Balance, and a good Benefits Package. Listed last was Competitive Salary/Pay.”
As I’ve always said, “The person who joins for money will leave for more money.”
Amusingly, opportunities for growth, employee appreciation and work/life balance are either part of, or the results from, a good culture—even a good benefits package reflects a company’s culture.
Click the link, download the survey and then give some thought to your culture and how it performs in these areas.
What’s in your culture?