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98 words that say absolutely nothing

by Miki Saxon

Image credit: mcconnell6 CC license

Today is the inaugural post of a new feature here at MAPping Company Success. For the foreseeable future (at least until I’m bored) Saturday will be political commentary day.

Not a day to push a particular agenda, but rather one to comment on or poke fun at whatever happens to catch my eye.

We’re barely into election season and I’m already sick of the ads. Most are a mix of the five main political ingredients,

  • inflexible ideology;
  • rhetoric;
  • illogic;
  • promises that can’t/won’t be kept; and, of course,
  • out and out lies.

OK, I’m used to all that and try and take it in stride. But what I’m finding outrageous this year are the statements into which a contortionist couldn’t read any meaning, such as this one from Jonathan Fant, who is running for State Rep in my district.

And before you think this is an anti-Fant post, it isn’t, since I don’t particularly care for his incumbent opposition, either.

So here, for your erudition and amusement, is the blurb from my official Washington State Voter’s Pamphlet:

Candidate Statement

Now more than ever, we must unite our community. The new challenges we face require a strong voice to represent the people. We can no longer afford to follow the same business structure that is in place. We need to make these changes now, before it is too late.

I am running for State Representative because I want to ensure prosperity for us now and set the foundation for future generations. I want to see positive changes for our community and make sure that everyone’s needs finally get addressed. A vote for me is a choice for a positive change.”

That’s it. 98 words that are so generic that they could be used by any candidate, for any office, at any time, representing any ideology, anywhere in the world.

At least the normal five effect???if only the dubious benefit of raised blood pressure.

What do your candidates have to say?

2 Responses to “98 words that say absolutely nothing”
  1. Luke Says:

    I’m starting to wonder if we shouldn’t start electing based on who has the best tie collection. That way when we get the end of the world news report, we’ll at least know an interesting tie will be in the picture.

  2. Miki Saxon Says:

    Isn’t that assuming the winner is male?

    How ’bout shoes? Everybody wears shoes.

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