Management expertise
by Miki SaxonBack when I was young in the business world I heard that the way to managerial success was to hire people smarter than yourself and then get out of their way.
Seems that happens less and less these days.
It constantly amazes me how many managers state strong views from positions of extreme ignorance—and then consider their positions/comments invincible.
Nothing sways them from their chosen position—certainly not incidentals such as facts, documentation, surveys, articles, etc. They act as if changing their minds would be perceived as an act of weakness by those around them, especially subordinates.
What do you think?
Is it possible for anyone/anywhere/any time to know everything about any given topic, no matter how narrowly defined? Or creative enough to think of every possible shading, tangent, ramification, solution or repercussion applicable to/stemming from it?
Image credit: Gropi