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Ryan’s Journal: How to Stay Sane with a Baby

by Miki Saxon


I have been trying to think of topics to write about this week and am struggling. As I laid down in bed only one thing came to mind, sleep.

I have a 5 week old now, along with three other beautiful children and sleep alludes me.

They all have different schedules and needs. They are all competing for my attention as well.

How can I fix this? Sleep.

It made me think of the competing interests we have at work. Different deadlines. Different priorities. Agendas to pursue. They can all add up.

I had a conflict at work recently.

The sum of it was not that great but in the moment it was contentious. Emails and gnashing of teeth on both sides.

I tend to not get too wrapped up in drama at work, but it will happen when two or more humans are gathered.

In that moment I was angry, but I chose to wait to respond.

My solution? Sleep.

I rested and rethought about a solution.

The next day the sun was shining and the birds sang. I was no longer angry and was able to resolve the issues.

Sleep. That is all you need.

I know this is not the only answer to life, but at this moment it’s a good answer.

Image credit: Ana Sofia Guerreirinho

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  1. MAPping Company Success Says:

    […] Ryan’s Journal: How to Stay Sane with a Baby […]

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