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Quotable Quotes: Halloween

by Miki Saxon

pumpkinDisappointing. I thought there would be much better commentary on the second largest party day of the year, but I gleaned what I thought you would find interesting.

Paul Wiehl said, “I like the concept of Halloween, but I don’t like the cost.” Boy is that true; Americans spend $2 billion on candy alone and then start shopping for the rest.

Craig McDonald believes that Halloween has grown because of a basic human craving, “I think a lot more people are getting into Halloween because it’s the one time of year where adults can be kids.”

Jim Timon has a different theory, “People just love to be immersed in a frightening Halloween experience. They love giving up that control.”

Costumes are a necessity and Vickie Capes is one of the smarter people when it comes to Halloween-appropriate attire; you would do well to use her system, “Halloween costumes and Christmas clothing fly off the shelf on eBay. I paid $35 for a Thomas the Tank Engine costume one year and sold it back for $35 the next year.”

Jim Gordon, who draws mY generation (don’t miss tomorrow’s action), told me that his generation see Halloween as the only time they can dress as trashy and obnoxiously as they choose and while popular wisdom backs this attitude up it also proves that it’s nothing new, “Pimps and hookers are always popular Halloween costumes for adults.” What is new is posting the pictures on Facebook, instead of putting them safely in a drawer.

In a more thoughtful vein, someone looked around and realized that there were circumstances that probably spoiled the holiday, “I bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.”

Finally, a bit of little known wisdom to help keep you safe this Halloween, since the continued mobility allows for instant revenge.

“Women are angels and when someone breaks our wings we simply continue to fly—on a broomstick.”

Have a wonderful Halloween, eat lots of candy, enjoy yourself and stay safe.

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/28122162@N04/4062661930/

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