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Saturday Odd Bits Roundup: Two Inspiring Stories

by Miki Saxon

I have two special stories for you today, the kind that make you realize that there really are rays of hope piercing the hypocrisy so prevalent these days.

Special because they highlight two very different people and their accomplishments against the odds.

First is the story of a company and its employees who really do live by the professed corporate values. The employee is Jim Sinocchi who broke his neck and was paralyzed from the neck down. Instead of walking away, Sinocchi’s employer created a position for him; he is now director, Workforce Communications at the corporate headquarters. That was 28 years ago, long before passage of the ADA or advent of politically correct actions. The company? IBM.

The second is definitely a story of our times.

Management Today named Kate Craig-Wood one of its 35 Women Under 35 2009: Heroines For Hard Times. Here is what they say about her.

“Craig-Wood began her career at Arthur Andersen. She co-founded web and IT hosting provider Memset with brother Nick in 2002 – it now turns over £2m. In 2008, transsexual Craig-Wood won a NatWest Everywoman award. She was the first woman to tandem skydive onto Everest.”

What’s the big deal?

Kate Craig-Wood was born Robert Hardy Craig-Wood.

If they can do it, so can you!

Image credit: MykReeve on flickr

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