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Cultural teeth

by Miki Saxon

I read a good article on the importance of taking the time to consciously build your corporate culture, since it will happen regardless.

Rather than rehash or elaborate on what was written, I’m going to move the conversation to the next level—recognizing that your structure won’t stand long without some very pragmatic infrastructure.

In other words, culture needs to have teeth.

If you’re counting on an honor system where nothing happens to those who violate the culture then, over time, it will erode. Not because you hire “bad” people, but because you hire humans and humans often tend to do what is convenient, instead of what they should do. They also tend to follow a “monkey see/monkey do” pattern, so if a new hire sees an old hand cut a tiny corner here and skirt a little something there and nothing happens, then he will think it’s OK.

Teeth aren’t about bureaucracy they’re about the obvious repercussions that happen when the culture is violated. They aren’t sneaky or hidden; they don’t demean or embarrass.

Above all, teeth don’t bite selectively; they apply equally to everybody—which is why they work.

Their purpose is to strengthen your culture, not undermine it, which is what happens the moment someone becomes exempt.

As CEO, you set the culture and determine the teeth, whether actively or passively and, as usual, it’s your choice.

2 Responses to “Cultural teeth”
  1. MAPping Company Success Says:

    […] had a call this morning about Cultural teeth from the CEO of a two-year-old company. He was looking for a way to define the teeth that would […]

  2. MAPping Company Success Says:

    […] to work, the rules must apply evenly to everybody, at all levels, including the rule […]

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